it's funny how boundaries make a whole lot of difference; or so i was enlightened as i sat in the car yesterday. beyond those glass windows , the world goes by before my eyes so clearly that i can almost touch it, yet a sense of distance is inevitably felt. those people out there and their life stories, almost shrouded by a mystery that hides comfortably behind these glass windows that, in the same manner, separates the sounds from the sights. yet, strangely, it's significantly different within those glass windows . the windows stay the same and clear they remain, but instead of a vague perception of the other, it's almost compelling for one to understand the other when both beings are held within those windows, that space, those boundaries. do boundaries divide and separate, or do they bind and unite? the former is hurting, the latter, well, let's just say that it requires a lot of courage to enable it to come to pass. i guess, thats perhaps the very reason that bound...