A long read, but a timely one, when life threatens to go out of control. The selfish side of me wishes this never caught my eye but God certainly has his sense of humor; his timing, like they say, is beautiful and I chuckle to myself as the true reality dawns in these waking hours. There couldn't been a more apt way to start the day.:)
10 tips for faithful sleep-deprived living
http://www.matthiasmedia.com.au/briefing/library/6089 /
10 tips for faithful sleep-deprived living JENNIE BADDELEY / BRIEFING #388 / JANUARY 2011 / SHARETHIS
Sleep is one of God's good gifts. Most of us chug though life without thinking much about it, which is usually a sign that we're getting enough. But for some of us, that blissful enjoyment of the half-regarded treasure we know as a ‘good night's sleep’ is shattered for some reason.
The effects of sleep deprivation are substantial. A lack of sleep overshadows all aspects of our lives, including how we go about seeking to follow and...