happy valentine's :) as overrated a day as it is, i still love it for its notions of everlasting love and happiness. call me the sort of hopeless romantic that devious salesmen targets...but too bad for them, i dont have a date to splurge on and pamper:P nope, no date 20th year running but im not bothered, honestly. why should i be? i've hurt myself too many times, incessantly i would say, over people in whose world i am probably nothing but a tiny speck of dust; while on the other hand, ive many many people around me with so much love just waiting for me to receive it:)
so may this valentines day be a reminder to me to get out of my little shell and seek not so much to be loved, as to love; to be consoled, as to console; to be understood, as to understand :)
hee.random pictures of people who really made me smile with my heart for the past two weeks (: (since a fren of mine says a blog with words alone is boring >.< haha yes.)

so may this valentines day be a reminder to me to get out of my little shell and seek not so much to be loved, as to love; to be consoled, as to console; to be understood, as to understand :)
hee.random pictures of people who really made me smile with my heart for the past two weeks (: (since a fren of mine says a blog with words alone is boring >.< haha yes.)
