i am ever more convinced today that i should never attempt to cook. and now it will just make my search for the perfect guy an even tougher one--a takuya kimura who can cook.haha okay but i was really just kidding.
anyway back to my story. i got tired of eating cold dinners and decided that i would quit being lazy for once and cook a meal.after all, today's the last day of school and i could afford to spend time cooking a proper meal.
wrong call. check out my dinner.or rather, what's left of it.ha.

i think if it were not for my housemate, i would have been the person to set off the fire alarm in my hostel the fourth time this week, and consequently, the one everyone will be giving dagger stares to:/
i ended up spending an ENTIRE hour(and more) trying to remove all the burnt marks(that's like 4 times the time taken for the microwave to kill my dinner.)
thankfully i managed to salvage my new bowl.only thing that it's already 9.30pm and i have not packed for my church camp tomorrow.great.
anyway back to my story. i got tired of eating cold dinners and decided that i would quit being lazy for once and cook a meal.after all, today's the last day of school and i could afford to spend time cooking a proper meal.
wrong call. check out my dinner.or rather, what's left of it.ha.
i think if it were not for my housemate, i would have been the person to set off the fire alarm in my hostel the fourth time this week, and consequently, the one everyone will be giving dagger stares to:/
i ended up spending an ENTIRE hour(and more) trying to remove all the burnt marks(that's like 4 times the time taken for the microwave to kill my dinner.)