i decided to hangout at the library today despite the fact that most of the freshies should be out there in the sun participating in more happening events.ohwells. im not really bothered though. im glad to be enjoying my free aircon, and more importantly, free INTERNET. gosh. you wouldnt know how pleased im feeling now unless u suffer the same fate as me as a poor interntional student staying in a hostel and therefore having to settle for slower speed internet called mobile broadband at a ridiculously expensive price. so yes (: finally, i am able to upload pictures without having to worry incessantly all the time if i may exceed my 2gb worth of downloads per month limit (: so here's to the start of shawna turning into a nerdie geek with her favourite hangout being the library.ha.should i add that i have also collected my lecture notes and started on my first readings?ha i feel embarrassed just typing that here.but oh wells. but thats really what you end up doing when there's limited internet access at home and shops close at 5pm everyday. haha.so here goes! pictures of my room!ha it's pretty neat here cos i took it when my mum was still around so being the neat freak that she is, how messy can my room get??u should really see my room now (hopefully my mum doesnt read this >.<)
haha yupp and oh one more reason why i should really just hang out in the library. sometime last week i decided to check out a beach in sydney. so, decked out in my sunglasses, shorts and flipflops(i dont even wear shorts in singapore so it's a big thing to me okay>.<) i headed for bondi beach. and guess what. there was this huge thunderstorm. and i really mean huge. you could literally see those zigzag lightning bolts(that you thought only looked like that in cartoons) coming down from the sky bright and clear. needless to say, i caught a cold and fever even before orientation started:/ see.i should really just stay indoors. but pictures i managed to get just before the rain got the better of me. sneaking pictures of beachsurfer boys (: hahaa.
poser shawna.
love this picture. though i think the guy i sneaked up on wont like it as much.haaa.
i would love to fit into the bikinis u guys got for me but wait till i have a hot bod like them yeah.haha. 
i love it that the people here are not shy or conscious about the way they look at all.sometimes i really do wish im like that. that way i will no qualms to wearing that bikini now..haha.
those crazy people in the background were essentially learning how to kill themselves.whenever the tide came crashing in, they would jump down from that rock and ride on that wave up back to the rock again.well, if the wave actually did bring them up on the rock or not, that's another story or together.
and ha.jus wanted to put in this picture for joan.there arent only big birds called ravens here, there are MANY other sorts of birds unlike the plain old mynah in singapore.and they come in HUGE groups.oh have i mentioned that there are many fruit bats flying around from tree to tree in the city too?ha.joan, you will love sydney.
oh and just a vid i caught before the rain came pouring down. pple here are so cool, i think it's gg to take me forever to fit in.oh wells.but i'll keep trying (:
i love it that the people here are not shy or conscious about the way they look at all.sometimes i really do wish im like that. that way i will no qualms to wearing that bikini now..haha.