it's the THIRD time this week that the fire alarm at my hostel has went off. the first time i heard, some girl frying an egg decided to go bathe whilst waiting for the egg to cook.(which coming from a person who knows zilch about cooking, already seems like a dumb thing to do, but oh wells.)i couldnt be bothered to find out what happened the second time, and when the third one went off 2 hours ago, i was actually contemplating if i should even bother heading down.ahah.imagine if it was actually a real fire. haha but im just more amused than irritated. my housemate and i actually came up with an excellent escape plan that involved throwing a mattress out of the window and jumping down.pretty exciting.haha(okay cheapthrill:/explains how sick i am of reading notes that doesnt seem to stay in my head where they belong)
heh. and now instead of filling my thoughts with cornelia oberlander, the amazingly calm sounding alarm repeats incessantly in my mind. "emergency, emergency. evacuate now. emergency, emergency, evacute now."
haha i should just go set it as my ringtone.

hee a picture i took at random but really liked's this whole idea of looking at things from different angles and perspectives that intrigues me.
i wonder what the cow thinks of my pretty room.HA.
heh. and now instead of filling my thoughts with cornelia oberlander, the amazingly calm sounding alarm repeats incessantly in my mind. "emergency, emergency. evacuate now. emergency, emergency, evacute now."
haha i should just go set it as my ringtone.
hee a picture i took at random but really liked's this whole idea of looking at things from different angles and perspectives that intrigues me.
i wonder what the cow thinks of my pretty room.HA.