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today was graduation day at school. somehow seeing those students in their graduation gowns welled up a sense of wistfulness in me. The cliche that time waits for no man is an understatement. but more significantly, what bothered me the most was this: would i be able to look back to my life and say proudly that ive run a good race and fought a good fight to the end? or would i end up finding some lame justification for a starkingly obvious failure that i refuse to admit i am?

it's so easy to lose focus along the way, especially when you are having a whale of a time. it's so easy to procrasinate and wake up at 11 in the morning because everyone's doing that anyway. it's so easy to get carried away wanting to engage my life so that i don't lose any minute of my short time in sydney away. it's so easy to lead a life that only one person matters--myself.

it's about time i start remembering that while my work and toil on earth may not have eternal rewards or impacts, the WAY i work on earth matters.a lot.


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