ive been resisting the urge to blog the past week with the geog mid sems coming up and all.so yes!today marks the end of that torturous past week when ive been trying to cram all that stuff about rossby waves, jet streams and el nino(stuff that ive happily left out all my life for the more interesting parts of geography like volcanoes and rocks--i can totally imagine monica rolling her eyes now >.< )hahaa.not that im confident i did well(trust me on this.) but just grateful that God has seen me through those crazy nights i try to stay up with my new best friend, choc mint biscuits(hopefully mum's not reading this post >.<), just thankful for the strength to keep awake in classes the subsequent day, just appreciative for His protection when i walk home at night, just glad for the time to complete going through my notes at least once, just humbled that He just cares so much for the little things that bug me all the time. i will blog more, only that it's not the end of my terror week. geog hw due tomorrow and drawing boards(which i havent started on)on thurs.montage on mon.water use project and plant poster the next mon.another drawing board on next thurs.ok is it just me or is my list of things to do seem to go on forever.welll.
at least the geog test is over:)
at least the geog test is over:)