if there was one moment in these 4 months that ive been in Sydney that best epitomizes what it means to heave a sigh of relief, this is it. as if the semester hadnt been crazy enough, the past week was absolutely draining. exactly one week ago i was rushing to complete an assignment due the next day-- worked on it all through the night till 440pm the next day, then rushing down to school in my most unglam outfit(i was in my pjs that's how bad it was) in bid to submit it by the 5pm dateline. had to start working on the group design project on friday; so there i was cutting foam core till 4am in my room that currently looks like a dumpster. sat, spent the entire day at uni till 2 am working on models with the group; sun, took a break and went for church though i ended up sleeping at 4am because i had to work on my individual sketchbook. monday was the queen's birthday and also the first time i spent the entire night in uni, working on the project. what a way to commemorate this day dont you think? haa, yesterday was submission day, a relief honestly; i dont think i could have lasted another day like that, though on the same note i have to add that i slept at 2 plus last night (this morning rather) working on the last minute stuff for presentation at 9 am today. so there you have it; my exciting past week in a blob of words that liz would have complained so much about because of my inherent lack of skill in paragraphing. ha group work is most definitely no walk in the park.
but it's done now-- i cant tell you how tired i feel or how fulfilled and satisfied i am. the sem has come and gone in a flash, and it has almost been 4 months before i even realised it.doesnt feel too long.doesnt feel entirely short either.i wouldnt say it was all fun and laughter.but neither was it all pain and torture. so many things to share, so little time(and megabytes:/) for it. but i shall try. so. here goes (:
okay my work isnt good but just for pure fun joy and laughter(yes u can laugh at me later),a series of all the studio work ive been losing sleep and toiling over.
drawing folio of best (ha!) drawings

model text 1 (based on a preassigned poem on potsdamer platz)
model abstract strip based on a series of random lines

research boards on yves brunier
mood boards

vegetation models

story boards based on model text 1
altered pages of an original book (click to enlarge>.<)
vegetation drawings based on 5 descriptive words
and of course, the final group design project that was simply amazing; not jus in terms of the workload but also as a learning experience; as cheesy as this is going to sound, having had worked with people whose work style and design beliefs are starkingly different from mine,with people ive never imagine myself working with, ive learnt so much amidst all that frustrating moments-thank God for that!:)
(plus one.our group never met as a full group before i realised!:/)

yupp, thats pretty much school for me this sem. it's been an exciting time really. though there are countless nights i go without sleep to complete assignments, nights after assignment hand-ins that i sleep with my specs on, lights on, com on and door opened(cos i simply jus knocked out upon touching the bed), and have dinners that consist of bread and water and lotsa biscuits; though i spend at least 20- 30 bucks (on avg) for each project, though i spend 2 hours inkdrawing a piece of a5 paper, though i look crazy trying to carry 3 models in 1 hand and a a2 portfolio in the other, though sometimes i dont get the results i desire, though somedays i just feel like giving up tired and defeated, wondering if i was in the right mind when i decided to take up this course.
still, im glad that i did and got to the end (ha, i sound like im going to graduate or sth) and been so enriched in many ways. 4 months back, i would have never imagined myself doing half of any of that(sleeping late, assignments and all. i used to think that aussies spend most of their time dwindling away at beaches whilst i get my A-s. 4 months from then, with stereotypes well and done out of the window, it's a different story all together. and im glad for it. simply because it has been humbing. simply because it's through these weaknesses and inherent lack of artistic talent on my part that others can see that my strength comes from the Lord. simply because i realised how much i actually am enjoying this course (to the point of giving up sleep if necessarily)and of course, simply because i learn to rely more on Him:)
there's still more to go (yes jo my life is more than jus studying at uni>.<) but i think this will do for today--before i start nodding off with a gingernut biscuit in my hand (as i did last night) :)
but it's done now-- i cant tell you how tired i feel or how fulfilled and satisfied i am. the sem has come and gone in a flash, and it has almost been 4 months before i even realised it.doesnt feel too long.doesnt feel entirely short either.i wouldnt say it was all fun and laughter.but neither was it all pain and torture. so many things to share, so little time(and megabytes:/) for it. but i shall try. so. here goes (:
okay my work isnt good but just for pure fun joy and laughter(yes u can laugh at me later),a series of all the studio work ive been losing sleep and toiling over.

and of course, the final group design project that was simply amazing; not jus in terms of the workload but also as a learning experience; as cheesy as this is going to sound, having had worked with people whose work style and design beliefs are starkingly different from mine,with people ive never imagine myself working with, ive learnt so much amidst all that frustrating moments-thank God for that!:)

yupp, thats pretty much school for me this sem. it's been an exciting time really. though there are countless nights i go without sleep to complete assignments, nights after assignment hand-ins that i sleep with my specs on, lights on, com on and door opened(cos i simply jus knocked out upon touching the bed), and have dinners that consist of bread and water and lotsa biscuits; though i spend at least 20- 30 bucks (on avg) for each project, though i spend 2 hours inkdrawing a piece of a5 paper, though i look crazy trying to carry 3 models in 1 hand and a a2 portfolio in the other, though sometimes i dont get the results i desire, though somedays i just feel like giving up tired and defeated, wondering if i was in the right mind when i decided to take up this course.
still, im glad that i did and got to the end (ha, i sound like im going to graduate or sth) and been so enriched in many ways. 4 months back, i would have never imagined myself doing half of any of that(sleeping late, assignments and all. i used to think that aussies spend most of their time dwindling away at beaches whilst i get my A-s. 4 months from then, with stereotypes well and done out of the window, it's a different story all together. and im glad for it. simply because it has been humbing. simply because it's through these weaknesses and inherent lack of artistic talent on my part that others can see that my strength comes from the Lord. simply because i realised how much i actually am enjoying this course (to the point of giving up sleep if necessarily)and of course, simply because i learn to rely more on Him:)
there's still more to go (yes jo my life is more than jus studying at uni>.<) but i think this will do for today--before i start nodding off with a gingernut biscuit in my hand (as i did last night) :)