im amazed yet again by the little things in life that really arent that insignificant when you ponder deeper.i like it how God has created us so different from another.not jus physically of course, but emotionally really. given the same picture, the same text, the same scenario,different people will pick out different meanings.different phrases.different actions.
to me it's more than a consequence of your character and personality. its life in general. what matters to you.what experiences that have left an indelible mark on you.what you currently long for and struggle with.
ive always lived with the awareness of how unique one individual is from another, but seeing it from another point of view, it emphasizes the fact that this life itself has many ways to be lived and experienced. perhaps it's with this knowledge that leaves me wondering if i have truly been living my life to the fullest.
to me it's more than a consequence of your character and personality. its life in general. what matters to you.what experiences that have left an indelible mark on you.what you currently long for and struggle with.
ive always lived with the awareness of how unique one individual is from another, but seeing it from another point of view, it emphasizes the fact that this life itself has many ways to be lived and experienced. perhaps it's with this knowledge that leaves me wondering if i have truly been living my life to the fullest.