have you had days when you wake up without a song in your heart, having more than an inkling that it was going to be a dreadful day, where nothing is ever going your way?
and so i did have one of those days today. overslept, got overwhelmed by the amount of work left to do for studios, couldnt get down to what i planned to because of unexpected situations, ran late for class, flunked my quiz, lost my house keys, retraced my steps for a good 25 minutes to no avail. no inspiration for a design proposal due tomorrow to top it all off. to say that today was a disaster was no short of an understatement.
but funnily enough, in spite of my desire to take control and fix it all when i was really just messing it up further, He cares. Enough to stretch out that arm to pull me out of the mire, to set things right again when im too preoccupied to ask or rely.
What did i do to deserve the pleasure of enjoying this rare pretty sight on my way home which certainly lifted my slumped spirits a little? What did i do to deserve having my keys returned, or have an extension for my assignment when i really should be suffering for my procrastination?

I know the answers all too well. When I need God the most, that's when I push Him away the furthest. but because he comes back for me all the same, that's when i realise that nothing I can do will make Him love me more, and nothing that I've done, will make Him close the door.
and so i did have one of those days today. overslept, got overwhelmed by the amount of work left to do for studios, couldnt get down to what i planned to because of unexpected situations, ran late for class, flunked my quiz, lost my house keys, retraced my steps for a good 25 minutes to no avail. no inspiration for a design proposal due tomorrow to top it all off. to say that today was a disaster was no short of an understatement.
but funnily enough, in spite of my desire to take control and fix it all when i was really just messing it up further, He cares. Enough to stretch out that arm to pull me out of the mire, to set things right again when im too preoccupied to ask or rely.
What did i do to deserve the pleasure of enjoying this rare pretty sight on my way home which certainly lifted my slumped spirits a little? What did i do to deserve having my keys returned, or have an extension for my assignment when i really should be suffering for my procrastination?

I know the answers all too well. When I need God the most, that's when I push Him away the furthest. but because he comes back for me all the same, that's when i realise that nothing I can do will make Him love me more, and nothing that I've done, will make Him close the door.