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Showing posts from July, 2008
to be always thankful isnt an easy thing. to be content is even harder. to be joyful in all circumstances; that, i still struggle with.

back in sydney.

time holds no meaning without events associated with it, but yet when time gives little leeway for hesitation, for pregnant pauses, for unnecessary waiting, it becomes such a precious thing that you clamber to get just that little bit more. just one day and i miss home already. remind me never to go on any buffets with shifu again.she dragged me to one but i ended up eating almost everything whilst she filled her stomach with watermelon juice and coke:/ so singaporean right! (: (to the above two pictures ) my favourite supermart i spend my weekends at . for some strange reason,sitting by the streets was the thing to do.maybe we were all broke. my dad sleeps everywhere and anywhere. off to coles for some retail therapy. ha.
爱一个人不是为了得到相同的对待,而是勇敢的,真心的一一为他。 其他的,不重要。 如果一心只想得到爱, 可能这一辈子就很难开怀地爱。 而这,我倒觉得更可悲。

i love food too much.

today i realised that even health surveys that bring the doomsday message that im fat cant stop me from enjoying my meals. says a girl who had breakfast at simply bread, dim sum lunch at taka and velvet cake at food for thought for tea and macs for dinner all in a day.