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Showing posts from September, 2011


one of those moments when i get distracted from the task at hand, oh the joys of the internet. i dont know what catches my eye more, the light, the subtle suggestions of melting shadows, or an unadulterated expression of love, that comfortable lingering silence in company?

Mr perfect/miss imperfect

Instead of waiting for the perfect one, work at being the perfect one instead. These words roll off the tongue with ease like a familiar jingle. Yet the former holds an appeal tt the latter can never achieve.could it be, that at the end of the day, we are, in fact, more aware of reality than we realise? The former, perhaps, more achievable than the latter?

sunset joys

Perhaps its age talking, but the smallest thing that I used to take for granted of now brings one of the greatest joys of the day. And as I saunter to school with the brilliant azure sky before me,I thank God for another day of which he showed me his limitless love.