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a random post because i feel randomly happy

people who know me best probably would have known how much i hate it when i has this strange sort of domino effect on my day and everything just ends up in shambles at the end of it all. it's really a bad emotional habit of mine that im learning to change and to try to entrust every single day to God(despite and in spite of the fact that things dont go the way i planned them to)

but yeah, so i was really surprised that today wasnt as bad as i had imagined it to be:) i was supposed to head down for ocf's first bible study at 10 but guess what, i kept snoozing my alarm clock and i guess somewhere along the way, i accidentally pressed the button to switch it off. i ended up waking at 11 instead(am i a pig or what) and realised that the guys were waiting for me for the past half an hour and consequently caused the bible study to start half an hour late:/ gosh i still feel super apologetic and guilty about it. but anyway, on with my story, since i couldnt make it for ocf anymore, i had time to join my focus cell people for an outing at blue's point. if i had been the grouch that i usually am when i wake up late and refused to go out, i would have missed such a pretty sight and yes more birds(which i took photos of specially for my collection of birds for joan:P)

it's a really pretty sight and we had so much fun taking random shots and suntanning.oh. and picnic-ing.i never really fancied picnics much in singapore cos whenever we go on one in singapore as a family, we end up squeezing on a freaking tiny picnic sheet, just enough space for the four of us to face the four compass directions.then we struggle to eat as slowly as possible because we never brought enough food(since mum is too lazy to prepare--see where i get my genes from?) ha.oh and can i add whilst trying hard not to think about the stickiness under the sweltering sun? haha. you get my point. but now i actually think getting a picnic sheet will be a good investment. im really such a fickle person.

but yes, pictures of really fun people that made the day so much better for me than if i were to mop back home.(check out the short,fat picture of us in luna park>.< we ate too much at the picnic:/)

and on a concluding note, i thank God for all's like that little rainbow i talked about a while ago. i could have been overwhelmed by that one big thing that happened.(ok oversleeping IS a big thing to me:P) but i thank God for getting me into a habit to say a short prayer once i wake up everymorning just to let him know i know he is in control of all things and that i know He does all things for a reason; and of course, that i trust he will make something good out of it. and yes, it really helps to make oversleeping seem like less of a bad thing after all:)

ps i really need to get started on my readings. i really cant bring myself to read font size 6 landscape readings that i essentially cant understand half of it.


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