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conflicting love

over thanksgiving break i headed to canada where pam invited yihui and i for the 1040 screening, which was basically a film about church revival in asian countries and how the gospel is being brought to the ends of the world by them. enter jaeson ma. a Californian pastor, brought up in a black church, dressed in black and blings (ok not really big blings but blings nonetheless). He raps out his message to the audience and i find myself squirming in my seat, uncomfortable at what my mind subconsciously labelled as 'charismatic music that wasn't proper worship to God.'

the night progressed, jaeson ma's talk blasted into the minds of the audience and the film screened--done. My squirming didnt quite stop, but then the last few scenes in the documentary of thousands of people, ten thousands of people from muslim countries rushing forth to accept Jesus as Lord of their lives stopped me in my tracks. Almost involuntarily, tears welled up in my eyes. There's just something so amazing to see hearts turning to Him; no wonder all the angels in heaven break out into chorus at the salvation of just one soul!

and i started to realise one thing. Not once did jaeson ma or any of the pastors in the video say a thing contrary to what the gospel is all about-- man is sinful, we need jesus. fullstop. not loud music, not tongue speaking, not holyspirit slaying. those things occurred, im not going to deny that, but never once did any of them emphasized this over and above the gospel message. I must say that the bible wasnt used as much as i would like it to (which probably explained part of my squirming), but clearly God's name was preached, the Great Commission shared. They did so, and with a passion more than i ever had for people. Can people only reach God through the bible and the bible alone?

Or is the former something that i need to learn to accept, to embrace, to support? No doubting the word must always be the core of every Christian faith-- after all, our belief is not a blind leap in the dark! but people are different, and they CAN come to him through music, technology, medicine, anything that our world is blessed with at this time and age. Come to think of it, the Israelites in the bible danced in the courts like there was no tomorrow for the Lord, why then do i find 'charismatic' music inappropriate when it comes to pleasing God? It's the heart that he sees after all!

When all is said and done though, i know love stands between the gap, the conflict and disagreements. Because this love is not one we are meant to receive, but rather, one to give. For we have already received it, from God--who is love in its every expression.


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